For students, stress is mainly due to examination; and this pressure to get good grades drives them anxious. To promote good mental health and relieve stress during exams an awareness campaign was organized by the school management before the commencement of exams. Three hundred and thirty seven students took part in this programme that was conducted in the school premises. The management conducted this healthy awareness programme right before the onset of exams. There was a board kept near the examination area and students were encouraged to read the board. The board was designed in such a way that it just had a projecting picture and once opened it provided the students with a tip. The tips highlighted on the need to keep a positive attitude and measures to take to cool one’s mind during stress. Good music, ample sleep and happy stomach are the few ways in which you can relax your body and mind to do well in any exam. The campaign also threw light on the need for parents to stimulate the mental health of their children by not being too pushy with grades. The students were encouraged to talk to their counsellors when in stress.

“The campaign threw light on the need for parents to stimulate the mental health of children.”